Bug Demonstration Steps:

  1. Page 1: Load the operabug.html page describing the bug. Headers "Pragma: no-cache" and "Cache-Control: no-cache" are sent to prevent browser caching of this page. No cookies are set at this point.
  2. Page 2: Load the operabug2.html page, which will present a simple web form. Again the same cache-prevention headers will be sent. No cookies are set yet. The form must be submitted via the POST method.
  3. Step 3: The operabug2.html page will be loaded a second time to process the POST from the form submission from step 2. Once more, cache-prevention headers will be sent. However, instead of returning an actual result page, the response to the POST form submittion will be a 302 redirect back to the operabug.html page. This step WILL SET A COOKIE valid for the entire web site. If cookies are enabled in the browser, and if there are no browser cookie-handling bugs, the page loaded in the next step--reloaded actually, since the browser has seen that page before, but due to no-cache headers, the browser should have to reload it, this time sending the cookie set here in Step 3.
  4. Page 4: Load the operabug.html page a second time, following the above step's 302 redirect, which simultaneously set a cookie. If that cookie is correctly sent back to the web server, you will see green text in this section.

Next Step:

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