Last Friday Mrs. George Isom of Virgin shot and killed a half grown cougar about one half-mile from the Isom sawmill on Kolob. Mr. Isom was riding along the road when the dog frightened the cougar out of a clump of choke cherry bushes and chased it up a small pine tree a short distance away. Mrs. Isom then remained by the tree with the dog while Mr. Isom went to the house for the gun, a distance of perhaps half a mile. Upon his return she took the gun, as Mr. Isom unfortunately has but little use of his hands, and the first shot tore away a portion of the cougar's nose which slightly stunned it. The cartridge stuck in the gun and it was several seconds before she had it extracted, during which the cougar had revived and showed signs of fight. Again taking careful aim she fired, the ball penetrated the beast's head, tearing the top of it entirely away and it fell lifeless to the ground. Mrs. Isom then skinned the animal and will keep the hide as a souvenir of the occasion.—Virgin Enterprise.
From the September 30, 1909 edition of Washington County News, page 5, upper left-hand corner. Thanks to Pamela Tew for finding this article. Her PDF file is available here.