Vote for Juje! The Official Web Site of Julianne Gifford's Campaign for
2005-2006 Hurricane High School Executive Council

Welcome to my official web site for my campaign for 2005-2006 Executive Council.

Legolas says Vote for Julianne!
Friday, 01 Apr. 2005:

It's a sad April Fool's Day, for results are in, and the electorate has spoken. It appears I will not have the opportunity to save students from Killer Robots, to give away a Free Pony to those who voted for me, to befriend more mutants and take them out for flapjacks, or to utilize my illegal ninja moves from the government on behalf of the student body, in spite of being cooty-free for sixteen years and having a hearty endorsement for gravy by Señor Cardgage.

My best wishes and congratulations go out to all those who will be serving on the Executive Council this coming school year.

Thank you, all who voted for me, I appreciate your support. It has been a very intense week, and I'm glad it's finished.

Thursday, 31 Mar. 2005:

Today is Election Day! Go vote. Vote for me, Julianne! You know you want to. Follow the advice of Legolas. He's a very old and wise elf.

Two more of my campaign posters are now online on the poster page in addition to the Legolas image.

Watch for Legolas during my campaign skit today. Here's an excerpt from the audio background for the skit:

Original quotes/excerpts from the background soundtrack for Julianne's skit (MP3 format)
Later in the day:

Well, the skit didn't go quite like it was supposed to. When the audio soundtrack began, the lights were supposed to all be off, the room in darkness while I stood in the dark on stage. The spotlight was supposed to move around, as if searching. When the background soundtrack had voices proclaiming that "Julianne can save us!", the spotlight was supposed to suddenly find me and shine on me.

When the background music suddenly changed to the intermission bit from Monty Python, the cardboard cut-out of Legolas outlined by colored lights would rise in the dim light and cross in front, proclaiming in big black bold letters "Vote for Julianne!"

Sadly, for reasons unknown, even with a printed cue sheet/script and after I'd gone over it, twice, the lighting operators kept the lights on and spotlighted me from the start. *sigh* I was embarrassed and disappointed it didn't work as designed.

Tuesday, 29 Mar. 2005:
Thumbnail image of Killer Robots campaign flyer

Beware of the Killer Robots! They've been spotted chasing terrified students. If you spot one, be sure to tell me. I can help. I've dealt with thousands of killer robots in my lifetime. I can save you, I can stop the killer robots.

Be sure to check out the cool campaign posters my sister made for me. Photos of some of them are online: just click on the "Campaign Posters" menu up in the green navigation bar.

Forty-two is the Answer. Juje knows the Question. Vote Juje!
Artwork Copyright © 2005 Janna Gifford - A likeness of the Señor Cardgage character, created by The Brothers Chaps (see, is used without their permission in the original art of one campaign poster.