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Movies that I enjoy(...at least well enough to bother saying something about.)
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God's Army
Richard Dutcher
This very well executed Richard Dutcher film about missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints played in theaters all over Utah, a few in California, and several screens across the nation. An independent film, this one tells a heartwarming story that holds very true to the LDS missionary experience. I really enjoyed it a lot.
Whether you're a Mormon (a term often used to describe members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) or not, this is an excellent film that lends insight into some of the common experiences of LDS missionaries. Just like Fiddler on the Roof is a strong example of telling a story about deeply religious characters, this film does so too. This film gets a rating of 4.5. Ice Age
Hilarious! The computer animated movie "Ice Age" was a blast to see in the theater, so it was a no-brainer that I would be buying it on DVD as soon as it came out. Or so I thought...
Since it came out before Christmas, my roommate, Scott, informed me that he was buying me this DVD as a Christmas gift. Woohoo! I couldn't turn down a deal like that. As we were both dying to watch it, I didn't have to wait until Christmas before enjoying the DVD. It was all of two seconds after getting home from the store before the DVD was in the player. Of times, I, like my sister, have an illogical aversion to any animated movies where the main character is an animal. I can't explain it. My sister's aversion, however, runs more deeply which is why she never saw this movie while it was in the local theaters. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that since I enjoyed this movie so much and it contains animals as main characters, it must be good. And it is. The dialog is funny and the voice acting superb. The various creatures' voices were well cast, and the animators did a superb job bringing the characters to life. If you haven't seen this, rent it or borrow it from someone who has it. If you're like me, you'll want to buy it. My rating: 4 out of 5 The Incredibles
A Pixar Film
When I first saw The Incredibles with my sister in the theater, I came home astounded. Wow! At times I forgot completely that I was watching an animated movie, the action was so well done and the story practically perfect. It reminded me of watching Spiderman 2 (which I also loved).
Pixar's done it again! This movie is intense, clean, exiting, the art and design beautiful. I loved the ending credits and watched to the very end. The instant the movie was available on DVD, I snatched it up. This is a keeper, a must-see movie. The well-written story and fascinating, believable characters make the movie every bit as enjoyable each time I watch it again. The Kid
Bruce Willis
I missed this one when it was out in theaters. I probably wouldn't have seen it so soon after it came out on video if it wasn't for a friend of mine bringing it over one evening. So we watched it with some other friends.
Prior to my seeing The Kid my sister, whose opinion I value and trust when it comes to things of the cinema, told me that yes, it was a good movie, but she and her friend had fixated on the music soundtrack all through the movie and so described the music as distracting, the "circuis-like" music never seeming (or very rarely) to stop. So I had mixed expectations that evening. What a pleasant and delightful surprise, then, to discover that this was indeed a good movie, a funny movie. I liked it. A lot more than I thought I would. The music wasn't distracting to me at all. Sure, like many Turteltaub movies (While You Were Sleeping comes to mind), the music is a bit much, but not unpleasantly so in the least. Not every movie can will find the balance of background music that I thought God's Army (see http://www.zionfilms.com/) found. This is a good show. A good family film. As I watched, I knew I would have to add it to my DVD collection. I haven't yet (as of this writing), but I expect to buy it this very evening. I give this show a very enjoyable 3 1/2 rating. The Man Who Knew Too Little
Bill Murray
This is another Bill Murray laugh fest! While not quite as funny as 'Groundhog Day', it nevertheless delivered a good chuckle rather often.
On DVD the soundtrack is incredible. I love the title background music a lot. I admit, this was only the sixth DVD to enter my meager collection, so maybe I'm still just not used to the clarity of DVD Dolby AC-3 5.1 sound. This was the first DVD (or movie for that matter) that I purchased over the Internet from Reel.com (of course!). [Since I first wrote the above paragraph in 1998, my collection has grown and can no longer be called "meager" and I'm not nearly so enamoured with the clarity of Dolby Digital sound that I rave over it. In fact, I've since become rather jaded to it and wouldn't mind improved audio since the compression AC-3 uses is not perfect and is not quite CD quality. I still like the opening credits theme song, though.] I give this move a 3 1/2. It is worth owning. I will certainly watch it again. And again. The Sound of Music
Julie Andrews & Christopher Plummer
You cannot imagine my wonder and delight as I first watched the THX digitally masterd DVD edition of Rodgers and Hammerstein's masterpiece, The Sound of Music. The music I've loved since a child was magnificent, from the first instrumental opening followed by Julie Andrews' superb performance of title track The Sound of Music, to one of my favorites, Favorite Things. The DVD edition brought clarity and color to the small screen that made it seem much larger.
Yes, I love this musical. And yes, I'm a sucker for good musicals. Still, this movie has a story and spirit behind it that works in synergy with the powerful music. It is moving. It is marvelous. I love it. What more can I say? It gets the top rating, a 5.
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