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![]() | An Article from Aaron's Article ArchiveEditors, Help! Photo: Shinob Kibe PaintbrushIPv4You are not logged in. Click here to log in. |
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Here is one of my web log entries, perhaps from my Yakkity Yak page, What's New page, or one of my Astounding Adventures from my Geocaching section: Editors, Help!
Sunday, 13 July 2003 12:06 AM MDT
Yakkity Yak
This evening (Saturday evening), I read some of my earlier web page entries out loud to some family members. Eeek! I made a painful discovery! You see, I'm one who appreciates excellent grammar, correct spelling, and good writing. I discovered that this this web page was a perfect example of what I dislike, gross grammar, sad spelling, and wretched writing.
So please forgive me should ever I chide someone else for poor writing skills, or point my hypocritical finger at another web site. And please, feel free to laugh at my mistakes, or if you are generous, point them out to me (see below). These blurbs flow directly from my brain, via my fingers, to this site with no editorial review, no rereading and revision, and not even a word processor spelling check before they appear online. For the most part, this is stream-of-conscious writing for me. If I forced myself to carefully reread every post before I submitted it, I would rarely if ever post anything. Instead, any revisions I make will likely only occur at infrequent intervals, and even then, only fix the most obvious errors that I'm aware of and that are bothering me. Most will remain in their full glory, or rather, their full ugliness. After wincing in pain as I read my own material aloud, of course I had to go back and make a few changes, correcting some of the more hideous and glaring errors. I'm certain I've missed many others. And that's only in a few of the more recent posts. Consider yourself lucky if you don't encounter spelling or grammar errors, word or terminology misuse, or writing flow problems. When you do see mistakes (and you will), if any cry out to you for correction, please, please, send me an e-mail message and let me know! I love to be corrected. How else will I ever learn? I can be reached at: Editor's Note: As of Spring 2004, the above e-mail address is no longer in service, because too many spammers were sending unsolicited e-mail to it. So until I get a "Contact Me" section for my web site, you can try reaching me at the following address instead: | |
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