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![]() | An Article from Aaron's Article ArchiveGeneral Conference - Sunday Afternoon Session Photo: Sand in BloomIPv4You are not logged in. Click here to log in. |
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Here is one of my web log entries, perhaps from my Yakkity Yak page, What's New page, or one of my Astounding Adventures from my Geocaching section: General Conference - Sunday Afternoon Session
Sunday, 03 April 2005 2:02 PM MDT
Yakkity Yak
President Thomas S. Monson is conducting this session. The choir is currently opening with "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" (Hymns, no. 72), and yes, it's another excellent Mack Wilberg arrangement.
Following the invocation, the choir is now singing "Where Can I Turn for Peace" (Hymn no. 129, words by Emma Lou Thayne, music by Joleen G. Meredith), a hymn I really like. I didn't notice who conducted the choir for the opening number, but Mack Wilberg is conducting this number. Elder L. Tom Perry is now speaking using a question from the New Testament, "What Seek Ye?" He then told of speaking with an 82-year-old gentleman about the church opening up missionary work in a nation. The man told Elder Perry that the church wouldn't be allowed in the country because the the government had limited resources and was already supporting two churches. Elder Perry then explained how the Church doesn't work that way. The man was surprised that a church could exist without government support. Elder Perry explained how faitful members practice the law of tithing. Elder Perry spoke with the man on other topics as well. When talking about how the population and culture of the country where this man lived was changing, with immigration exceeding the local birth rate, the man explained to Elder Perry that he didn't care that his own culture would become a minority, because, at 82, he knew he would be long gone before he had to face any difficulties adjusting. Elder Perry then explained how there is a large problem in developed nations, a general apathy towards things spiritual. People are too comfortable in their current lifestyles. As nations develop, they become so secular that they reason that a human being has total autonomy and is accountable to no one else, except perhaps just a little bit to the society in which that person lives. Like the 82-year-old, people just don't care. Elder Perry warned that the pursuit of so-called individual freedoms (at the expense of the spiritual, of seeking and doing God's will) will result in the curse of extreme worldliness as described in D&C 1:16: "They seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness, but every man walketh in his own wa•, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world... The Church is instructed to follow the Prophet in the next verses: 17 Wherefore, I the Lord, knowing the calamity which should come upon the inhabitants of the earth, called upon my dservant Joseph Smith, Jun., and spake unto him from heaven, and gave him commandments;
Elder Perry explained that through Joseph Smith, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth, Priesthood power and authority was restored, and ordinances were restored for the saving of mankind. Elder Perry testified, "We boldly declare that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides the answers to the question...what seek ye?" Elder Perry also said, "When we seek our Savior, it is important that we seek him through His church."
18 And also gave commandments to others, that they should proclaim these things unto the world; and all this that it might be fulfilled, which was written by the prophets— (D&C 1:17-18) He spoke of how sharing the gospel involves challenges, but that he sees signs of hope due to the Lord's blessings. He shared three examples of those who found new faith and hope in their lives. He told of a family of four taught by sister missionaries. The mother and the children read from the Book of Mormon, prayed, and attended church, but the father did not. The sister missionaries were inspired to focus their teaching on Christ. The father's heart was changed when his wife decided to be baptized. Then he read reagularly from the Book of Mormon, and prayed to Heavenly Father asking whether he should be baptized. He was baptized, and became a spiritual leader in his home. Before his baptism, he asked for a tithing envelope, because he said that he didn't want to delay keeping the commandments (living the law of tithing in this case). Elder Perry next told of an inactive brother who was reactiviated by an initiative to reactiviate 18-30 young single adults in his ward. Within three weeks, this brother brought about 30 people to Family Home Evening. He was a web site designer who had his own small business. He lived with two non-members, both who were employees of his. He boldly shared his newly renewed testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with his roommates, one of which had studied theology and now attends activities. The reactivated brother now assists the missionaries teaching him the missionary lessons. The third exmple Elder Perry spoke of was a young woman in Hamburg, Germany who struggled to find spiritual meaning in her life. She prayed and asked God what to do. One day she left her home to walk to the bus stop, but on the way realized she'd left her keys at home, so she turned around and returned home to get the keys. With her keys, she hurried to the bus stop, but she had missed the bus, and was distraught. Two missionaries on a nearby bus had an impression that they should speak to the very first person they met after the left the bus. They heeded this spiritual prompting, and spoke to this young woman briefly. She had an immediate feeling that these missionaries were the answer to her prayers, so an appointment was set up. Local members helped the missionaries teach her and they fellowshipped her. She accepted the challenge and was baptized. She now works in her ward's Young Women program. Elder Perry talked of finding and being strengthened by the Lord's Church. He then told of how the Church that the Lord Jesus Christ had organized during his earthly ministry drifted into apostasy after loss of apostles. It is necessary to have organization under the direction of the Savior. The Bible has abundant evidence of how His church was organized and proper authority was established. We believe in same organization that existed in primative Church. We declare that the Priesthood has been restored, that His Church is again upon the earth. We have the answer to question, "What seek ye?" The Savior taught that we should "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and then all these things shall be added unto you." May we all seek, find, and build His church wherever we may be. (Good talk!) Elder Dallin H. Oaks is now speaking. He mentioned his and his wife's service in the Phillipines. They were concerned with the inroads pornography has made in the United States while they were away. Sweeping over our society like an avalanche of evil. Last conference, Pres. Hinckley warned about this in a plain talk. Bishops report major concerns with this problem. Fellow holders of Melch. priesthood and young men, I wish to speak to you about pornography, I know many of you are being exposed to it, and many are being stained by it. Like Jacob in BoM, it grieved him to speak so plainly about it, but he had to because God had commanded him, "I do so for the same reason." - same chapter Jacob condems the men for their whoredoms. What were these grossly wicked whoredoms? The main focus of Jacob's great focus was not evil acts completed, but evil acts contemplated. As yet they had been obedient to the lord, but he knew their thoughts, that they began to be.. testify of wickedness of their hearts. Jacob was speaking like Jesus had in Matt 5:28. He then quoted himself while he was at BYU: "Pornographic or erotic stories and pictures are worse than filthy or polluted food. The body has defenses to rid itself of unwholesome food. With a few fatal exceptions bad food will only make you sick but do no permanent harm. In contrast, a person who feasts upon filthy stories or pornographic or erotic pictures and literature records them in this marvelous retrieval system we call a brain. The brain won’t vomit back filth. Once recorded, it will always remain subject to recall, flashing its perverted images across your mind and drawing you away from the wholesome things in life." (From "Things They're Saying" in the New Era, February 1974) Our bishops and professional conselors are seeing ... men involved in pornography... some minimize it's seriousness, think they can exercise priesthood ... active.... It is already in the temple recommend interview, at least 5 different questions should bring a confession...
He then quoted Matthew 23:25-26: 25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
Then he continued quoting Matthew 23:27-28:26 Thou blind Pharisee, acleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. 27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
One of the immediate spiritual consequences of hypocracy is a forefeit of the power and authority of the priesthood: "...but when we undertake to cover our sins...the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man." (D&C 121:37)
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity Patronizing pornography produces fantasies that destroy spirituality, that lead to spiritual death. The Spirit will not dwell in an unclean tabernacle. When we partake of the Sacrament, we promise to the Lord that we will "always remember Him", but pornography violates that promise. All who such need to hear Peter's plea, "Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee." (Acts 8:22) Not discussing effects of porno. on criminal behavior, but on spirituality, on capacity to exercise the priesthood. It also afflicts mortal wounds on our most precious mortal relationships. Quote from woman's letter to Pres. Hinckley about the awful problem... Another quote from woman whose husband was addicted... Impairs ability to have normal relationship with the opposite sex. Patrons are led to act out what they witness regardless of ... it is addictive... impairs decision making capabilities... Man who was on cocaine and porno wrote that quitting pornography was harder by a whole lot over quitting doing drugs. Some justify by saying viewing only soft porn not hard porn. "Not as bad as.." Test of evil is not of degree but it's effect. If entertain thoughts long enough for the Spirit to withdraw, subject to the influence of the evil one without the protection of the Spirit. scripture "Livly sense of our guilt.. mercy hath no claim on that man" Consider tragic example of King David who allowed himself to look upon something he should not have. He violated two of the ten commandments. Thus a prophet-king fell from his exaltation. Everyone so caught (addicted) can escape, can be clean Alma - "Yea I did remember all my sins ... inexpressable horror... came to pass... I remembered also to ... of one Jesus Christ... to atone for the sins of the world. O Jesus, thou Son of God have mercy on me...yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!" (Alma 36:13-14, 17-20) You who are caught: there is a way - First acknowledge the evil, don't defend or try to justify - church magazines have good articles Second seek the help of the Lord and the Lord's servants - Hinckley quote ":Plead with the Lord out of the depths of your soul... bishop and if necessary the counsel of caring professionals" third, do all that you can to avoid pornography - if you ever find your self in presence (can happen to anyone) follow example of Joseph in Egypt, he left temptation and got him out. Don't accomodate any degree of temptation. Turn it off. Look away. Avoid it at all costs. Direct thoughts in wholesome paths, be faithful... in temple attendance . Never occurs during regular attendance of temple worshop... Parents can install protections against spiritual threats, like internet filters, locating access/computers so others can see what's being viewed, family prayer, scripture study, build family relationships -= do not patronize pornography - young women, understand if you dress immodestly, you contribute to this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you Excellent talk, like President Hinckley's talk in previous conferences. Elder Robert J. Whetten of the Quorum of the Seventy is now speaking. He opened with the great commandment, love God, and the next, love fellow men... who is neighbor? whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life in the service .. will save it - love neighbor as self is the royal law - one who does in the church only for himself will not be exalted - service is the exalted life - by saving an errant brother you save both him and yourself - He has lived and served in Latin America (I can hear a faint accent he probably picked up there. Cool!) The choir and congregation, under the direction of Mack Wilberg, then sang "Do What Is Right" Elder Adhemar Damiani of the Quorum of the Seventy spoke next. He began with the question, "How can we find peace in this world?" The day will come when peace will be taken from the Earth... we live in this time... Also we live in a glorious time, a time when the Lord has restored his Priesthood. (He has a beautiful accent when speaking in English. I wonder where he is from?) Christ said, "Come unto me, all ye who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Be of good cheer! Through Christ we can find peace in this world. Elder Steven B. Oveson is now speaking. He was admonished as a youth to prove himself to be a true and faithful son. His parents have both passed away, his mother in her hundreth year most recently. Her prayers as she came closer and closer to the veil of death became more powerful. "This life is good, but the next life is better." He quoted Pres. Hinckley that the Lord loves the elderly of his people. The Lord has often guided his people through prophets who were elderly in age. Moroni 10:32 - Deny yourself of all ungodliness - spoke of final testimonies given at the end of life after having endured to the end (This reminds me of my own grandmother, who wrote out her own testimony of the Gospel and her admonitions to her posterity just a few years before she died. My mother read it at her funeral. It is a powerful testimony that remains standing now, several years later, for her children, grandchildren, and all her posterity.) Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve (Newbie! *grin*) He wants to describe and discuss a spiritual impression he received in October General Conference, in the Sunday Morning session... Bro. Uchtdorf had just finished speaking, then they all stood to sing the intermediate hymn, "Redeemer of Israel" If he had ben asked to suggest a hymn, he would have suggested just this hymn. Tears filled his eyes as he stood... 1 Nephi 1:20 "tender mercies" came to him... mind was drawn to phrase" the tender mercies of the lord" and he knew in that moment he was experience just such a tender mercy from the Savior, a message of comfort and assurance. Testified that tender mercies of the Lord are real, they are not random coincidences. Since Oct. have reflected on this phrase, and have come to better understand... very personal and individual blessings, strength, guidance, consolations, spiritual gifts, etc. we receive from, because of, and through Christ. (D&C 46:15 mentioend then)... Lord would not leave his Apostles comfortless. Not only the Holy Ghost, but the Savior too. One way He comes to is is through His tender mercies. Love one another, and choose God... We become His chosen and invite His tender mercies when we choose to obey His commandments. Moses 1:39 describes the work of the Eternal Father "For behold, this is my work and my glory " our work described D&C 11:20 "Behold, this is your work, to keep my commandments, ...and strength" This conference is an example of the Lord's tender mercies. Psalms 145:9 Truly, "The Lord ..." President Monson expressed gratitude for the various choirs who have provided music throughout the conference, and thanks for all who participated. Then he introduced the concluding speaker, President Gordon B. Hinckley President Hinckley: 95% of the church membership could have participated in this General Conference - this has been a time of renewal of our faith may i say as i've said in the past - our membership in this church... should never be any cause for self righteousness, denigration of others, ... all mankind is our neighbor - lord said great command love lord with all heart/soul/mind, and shald love neighber as self... regardless of color of skin, shape of eyes, or the language that we speak we are all sons and daughters of god - reach out to one another - be friendly neighbors - our children can mingle with those who are not members of this church if they are properly taught - Make it a habit of going to the House of the Lord. There is no better way ... crowd out the evils of pornography, substance abuse, and spiritual apathy, it will strengthen marriage... assist others without concern for who gets the credit Pres. of American Red Cross presented the Circle of Humanity Award to the Church in recognition of the effort of the Church to extend the vaccination against measles to thousands and thousands of young people. Surely the Lord is blessing us as a people, and we must reach out to the needy... Invoked the Lord's blessings upon us - be faithful and He will shower down blessings... Closed with his testimony, God lives, he is real, answers prayer, Jesus is the Christ, the Redeemer of the World, the only name under Heaven whereby we may be saved. God and the Lord Jesus spoke in person to the boy Joseph and opened the curtains ushering in this great and final dispensation. God bless you... Peace be with you... The choir then sang "Sing We Now At Parting" Brother William W. Parmally? then gave the benediction. | |
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