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![]() | An Article from Aaron's Article ArchiveGot a Good Chuckle at SCO's Expense Photo: March SunsetIPv4You are not logged in. Click here to log in. |
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Here is one of my web log entries, perhaps from my Yakkity Yak page, What's New page, or one of my Astounding Adventures from my Geocaching section: Got a Good Chuckle at SCO's Expense
Thursday, 11 September 2003 9:28 AM MDT
Yakkity Yak
After my previous rant about the goings on with regard to SCO, and after reading SCO's Darl McBride's Open Letter to the Open Source Community, in which Darl almost-but-not-quite did the right thing, I just have to add a few comments about the responses to that open letter.
The response by Eric S. Raymond and Bruce Perens is a superbly written response that says things better than I could. Way to go, Eric and Bruce! Then today while reading Slashdot, I had a good laugh when I read Linus Torvalds' response: Open letter to Darl McBride -- please grow up.
I find Linus' response refreshing. And may I reiterate what he says, for indeed we wait with bated breath for when [SCO] will actually care to inform [the Open Source community] about what [SCO is] blathering about.
Dear Darl, Thank you so much for your letter. We are happy that you agree that customers need to know that Open Source is legal and stable, and we heartily agree with that sentence of your letter. The others don't seem to make as much sense, but we find the dialogue refreshing. However, we have to sadly decline taking business model advice from a company that seems to have squandered all its money (that it made off a Linux IPO, I might add, since there's a nice bit of irony there), and now seems to play the US legal system as a lottery. We in the Open Source group continue to believe in technology as a way of driving customer interest and demand. Also, we find your references to a negotiating table somewhat confusing, since there doesn't seem to be anything to negotiate about. SCO has yet to show any infringing IP in the Open Source domain, but we wait with bated breath for when you will actually care to inform us about what you are blathering about. All of our source code is out in the open, and we welcome you point to any particular piece you might disagree with. Until then, please accept our gratitude for your submission, Yours truly, Linus Torvalds So please, Mr. McBride, if you have a shred of honesty, integrity, or dignity left, show us the code that infringes on your alleged intellectual property! And don't require a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), since all the open source code that you allege infringes is already on public display, so pointing out what parts will not endanger or reveal any trade secrets. Requiring an NDA before pointing out already publically available code makes you (SCO) sound like a spoiled brat who will only play with the other kids if they do everything his way. Show us the code, SCO! | |
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