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Here is one of my web log entries, perhaps from my Yakkity Yak page, What's New page, or one of my Astounding Adventures from my Geocaching section: High-Definition Envy
Friday, 10 June 2005 10:22 PM MDT
Yakkity Yak
My friend and co-worker (no, not cow-orker) Cassidy was expecting delivery of a new wide-screen high-definition television to his new house this week. He bought the Samsung TV online and knew it would be delivered mid-week. I had to ask him when he was going to invite me over to watch a movie on it, once it arrived. My curiosity was double, because I hadn't yet seen the inside of his recent home purchase.
Wednesday was the day the television arrived. The invitation came, I was invited to a movie at 9:00 PM. Cassidy and a few friends would be gathering to break-in the new television watching something spectacular on it, likely one of The Lord of the Rings movies. I couldn't pass up an opportunity like that. So just after 9:00 PM, I drove the 3 miles from my house to Cassidy's new pad (it's really only about 2 miles as the crow flies, but I had to stick with wheels, not wings), then forgot how to get to his street and drove around his neighborhood for a few minutes until I remembered where his street connected. By that time it was nearly dark. Cassidy opened the door and invited me in. There, in the living room, filling the built-in entertainment hutch on the back wall, was a massive, beautiful screen, the opening of The Two Towers (Platinum Series Extended Edition) playing. I immediately settled into an open spot on a large, black sofa, bringing the number of TV admirers to four, myself, Cassidy, his roommate (Argh, my lame brain can't recall his name, and I should remember since I met him at the showing of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith just a few weeks ago), and Billy. Out went the lights, and the movie began in earnest, Gandalf's battle with the Balrog displayed beautifully, the surround sound system Cassidy already had sounding awesome. I had a blast. It was a great movie (Of course, duh, it's LoTR!), and Cassidy fed us all brownies and ice cream unexpectedly. Thanks, Cassidy! It's a very, very nice television. I think I've got a bad case of wide-screen, high-definition television envy. Once the new seasons of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis begin in July, I'm gonna make a pest of myself seeking invites to go over and watch 'em on his TV. | |
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