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![]() | An Article from Aaron's Article ArchiveSome Things I Like! (A Grill, A Restaurant, and an iPod) Photo: March SunsetIPv4You are not logged in. Click here to log in. |
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Here is one of my web log entries, perhaps from my Yakkity Yak page, What's New page, or one of my Astounding Adventures from my Geocaching section: Some Things I Like! (A Grill, A Restaurant, and an iPod)
Friday, 06 May 2005 11:42 AM MDT
Yakkity Yak
A New Grill
Several weeks ago I came across a new George Foreman Grill, one with removable upper and lower grilling plates. Since I first bought a small grill several years ago, my biggest complaint was that cleaning was a pain, that the grill surface couldn't be removed from the unit. This one solved that issue, and did so wonderfully. So of course I bought it. Since then, I've enjoyed cooking steak, chicken breasts, and salmon fillets on it. It's a beautiful piece of kitchen equipment. I really like it. Hibachi-Grilled Food in St. George, Utah This past week, my sister Janna invited me and my father to join her for lunch at a local restaurant, Samurai 21, a Japanese steakhouse and sushi bar located in the The Promenade at Red Cliff. We met her there, then had fun sitting around a hibachi grill where our food was prepared with dramatic flair. (Pet-peeve aside: Ugh, I hate the use of the phrase "red cliff"--singular—in the name of any local business. I much prefer the more normal-sounding plural form, "red cliffs" since it more accurately reflects the surrounding geology. This area is noted for its red cliffs, not a single, lonely red cliff. The local recreation area is "Red Cliffs Recreation Area", and the desert reserve is the "Red Cliffs Desert Reserve". Even the road in St. George that fronts the stores and restaurant is "Red Cliffs Drive". Yet somehow, some lunatic named the stores "The Promenade at Red Cliff". Hey, you, Mr. or Ms. Name Chooser, where is this legendary single, lone red cliff that your "Promenade" is located at? I don't see it. But I do see many red cliffs in the surrounding area. *smirk*) Naming conventions aside, I enjoyed lunch at Samurai 21 immensely. I had the filet mignon with rice and vegatables. It was delicious! I'll definitely be a repeat customer. iPod Shuffle If you didn't notice already, I really like my new Apple iPod Shuffle. Not only did Apple designers create something that looks great, it is light, convenient, and practically perfect in every way. (I only wish it had a user-replaceable battery.) Good job, Apple! | |
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