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Sunrise, Surgery, and Spam
Thursday, 12 February 2004 10:58 AM MST
Yakkity Yak
Last week while visiting at my folks' place in Hurricane, where my sister and her two boys were visiting from Colorado (my parents were in the Provo, Utah area following my dad's recent back surgery), I was chatting with her, asking for music recoommendations and looking her suggestions up on Apple's iTunes music service.
On a whim, I looked up Norah Jones since I have her Come Away With Me CD and love it. So imagine my delight when a new single, Sunrise from her new Feels Like Home CD was available for download at 99 cents. It was a no-brainer. Clikkity-click! It was downloading. A moment later I was listening. Very nice! Read the rest of this article... This is Cool!
Tuesday, 03 February 2004 1:30 AM MST
Yakkity Yak
Google's search page this morning was decorated with some fractal art. I took a short tangental web journey and came across some interesting pages:
http://www.superliminal.com/fractals/bbrot/bbrot.htm http://www.superliminal.com/fractals/bgram/ZrZiOut.htm Cool! Beauty from pure mathematical structure! Groundhog Day!
Monday, 02 February 2004 11:35 PM MST
Yakkity Yak
Yes, it's Groundhog Day! And that meant that I absolutely had to continue my personal tradition of watching the comedy, Groundhog Day on DVD today.
This evening, at my folks house in Hurricane, Utah... Read the rest of this article... Hiking Atop the Hurricane Hill
Thursday, 20 November 2003 7:00 PM MST
Yakkity Yak
![]() Here are some of the things we saw, some of the spectacular desert scenery, and some of our own craziness. I believe the pictures are in order as we hiked the trail. Read the rest of this article... Up and Down, Up and Down
Wednesday, 22 October 2003 11:58 PM MDT
Yakkity Yak
Tonight, since I was in Hurricane visiting at my parents home, I knew I still needed to get my daily exercise in. It was too late to drive to St. George and go to the St. George Recreation Center's Family Fitness Center where I usually go, since they close at 10:00 PM. What was I to do?
Not to worry! Fortunately my folks' home has a basement. That means stairs. I decided I would climb up and down the thirteen stairs between basement and the main floor over and over. That should let me work up some sweat. So I began. Read the rest of this article... iTunes!
Friday, 17 October 2003 1:26 AM MDT
Yakkity Yak
![]() It wasn't long before I had to try out the iTunes store. And once I'd signed up for an account, it was only a matter of a few short seconds before I was downloading my first 99-cent song. Holy cow, that was easy, and convenient! Compared to my earlier nightmare experience with an online music store, this was heaven. Read the rest of this article... Hooray for a Mile, Recovery, Geocaching Procrastination, and Open Data Formats
Thursday, 02 October 2003 8:02 PM MDT
Yakkity Yak
Yesterday I did it! For the first time in a very long time, I jogged an entire mile. For me, this is a big thing. Sure, it was a treadmill mile (which is a bit easier than the real thing), and sure, I really had to push myself especially the last 1/8th mile, but still! I just like the fact that I'm slowly seeing some progress from my trips to the Rec. Center's fitness center. And I must admit I do love the after-effects, the natural endorphine high exercise brings.
Read the rest of this article... Music is Heaven
Wednesday, 24 September 2003 6:09 PM MDT
Yakkity Yak
This past Sunday, after attending sacrament meeting at my home ward, I decided to visit my sister's singles ward. As I drove across town, I was listening to a BYU Singers CD Songs of the Soul, the second track in particular, a song titled Behold the Wounds in Jesus Hands. It is a very beautiful song, appropriate to the sabbath day. I turned up the volume above the road noise and the noise of the air conditioner, until the low notes on the pipe organ rumbled, and the pure toned voices of the choir rang through the air. Ah, heaven!
Read the rest of this article... SCO, sco, SCO, sco, SCO-itty SCO!
Saturday, 20 September 2003 11:49 AM MDT
Yakkity Yak
Another response by some members of the open source community at Groklaw to SCO's threats against Linux appears online here. It is well written and addresses the relevant issues in a calm, reasoned manner.
Also, near the end, the letter mentions the City of St. George, Utah as using Linux. I was pleased to see the community where I live mentioned. I suspect that St. George was mentioned in part because... Read the rest of this article... Evil MP3s, RAID Crash Recovery, and Upcoming VOIP Fun
Friday, 19 September 2003 8:06 PM MDT
Yakkity Yak
Well, Horsey did it again! In one of his regular columns, he talked about an issue that's all the rage in the online culture, namely MP3 file trading and the RIAAs recent actions to attempt to curb the spread of copyrighted material shared freely online.
Oh, the article! Here it is! His well-thought-out article even managed to rate a front page appearance on the geek site, Slashdot this week. Not bad. Maybe someday the recording industry will get a clue and make true CD-quality downloads available legally, unencumbered by encryption, at a reasonable price. Perhaps they'll be smart enough to... Read the rest of this article... | |
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